Monday, October 12, 2009

monday monday

6:45am. Rise and shine, 45 minutes late.

7:15am. Take a large, committed bite from a rotten nectarine.

7:20am. Discover passenger car door is stuck open.

7:45am. Begin 30 minute commute to work with car door bungee'd shut. With every 10 mph of speed, the bungee stretches two inches. This is not working.

8:00am. Husband returns home to revise bungee strategy. Skepticism abounds.

8:15am. The door is fixed. Bungee free!

8:30am. Driving 60mph, the sunroof mysteriously begins to slide open. Snow dumps on my head. I nearly drive off the road.

8:45am. Pull into work, 45 minutes late.

8:46am. Spill coffee down the front of my shirt.

8:46am. Utter first swear word of the week.

8:47am. Walk into work. Assume fetal position under desk.


  1. Oh no!! =( That's not a good start. At least you really like snow.

    If it makes you feel any better, Scott let one fly the other day too. I "helped" him by putting Cade's stroller right behind him as he was getting Cade out of the car. He stepped backwards, fell over the stroller bending it beyond repair, dumped Cade on the asphalt, and then fell into a heap hurting his hand. The name he called me was not so nice...and not even the correct gender (although he claims he wasn't specifically speaking about me...just the universe in general). He doesn't want me to help him anymore.

  2. It's been over a month since we have heard from you. Time for a new post!! =)(Maybe with some pics of snow?)
