Monday, April 27, 2009

decompression: methow-style

Given the hullabaloo of the past several months I regrettably haven't spent my usual time over in the Methow Valley. But, the North Cascades Highway opened up a few days ago so a friend and I road tripped over for the weekend.

Traversing the pass this time of year, when the avalanche shoots are still brimming with snow just above the highway, is a bit daunting. I never pass beneath one of the many shoots without my imagination delivering a happy little image of my VW going SPLAT beneath the thundering snow. Someone once told me that these avalanche shoots have been known to break free after the DOT opens the pass to the public - information my over-active subconscious clearly cannot handle.

It was a quick trip over and back but delightful nonetheless. We meandered about both river parks, walked along the Methow Community Trail, had dinner at the new YUMMY pizza place in Winthrop, and also wandered around the grounds of Freestone Inn where Court and I were married almost five years ago.

It's upsetting to see how the Valley is affected by the downturn in the economy. My dear, dear, favorite coffee shop, The Local, and another of my favorite restaurants have sadly had to close their doors recently. Industry there is largely dependent on visitors from the west side of the state so as the economy struggles the Methow Valley is hard hit. It is discouraging to see.

And yet, the beauty of the place is unaffected by such things. The river was as possessing as ever, as were all the spring wildflowers sprouting up along the valley floor. As always, when I'm there, I feel transplanted to one of the most beautiful places on earth.


  1. Love the picture from inside the library. The sun glint is perfect.

    I hadn't thought about the locals suffering in the economy. It makes me want to drive over and buy something at the bookstore.


  3. That's great news about the Local- perfect niche for what they're all about. Though, as a 'non-local' I'm still sad I'll have to find a new coffee shop. :)
