Monday, April 13, 2009

my life as a big yellow truck

10 generous mover-people + two drudging days + one glorious caffeine drip = move complete

And oh what a relief THAT is.

Because moving? Just plain sucks.

This particular move hailed every opportunity to remind me just how it's such a perfectly unpleasant nightmare. And because of that I can safely say, this is our last move. We will be buried in Colorado.

No, actually, we will be buried wherever that blasted truck ends up. I sincerely hope it's Colorado but if for some inexplicable reason Court ends up in Hoople, North Dakota or Yoder, Kansas with an unloaded truck, that's it, we're done. I hope you'll visit.

On the positive side, what an amazing little family we have here in Seattle. These people justifiably could (should) have said drop dead when we asked for moving help yet AGAIN. Really, we are way overdrawn on what's reasonable in this regard.

But instead they arrived one-by-one with chipper spirits, able bodies and coffee(!!) and voiced not one complaining peep, not even about the new oafish sleeper sofa and ginormous treadmill we've added to our inventory since we last called on their services.

They are just fantastically fabulous and honestly it saddens me to be reminded of this just as I'm up and leaving them in 10 short weeks. It would be easier if they weren't so great so I could be all THANK GOODNESS I'm leaving those LOSERS behind.

But alas, they are wonderful and I love them.

So, at last, the house is empty.

My entire life - husband, dogs, worldly possessions - is whirling across the country at an 80 mile-an-hour blur.

The dogs are riding in the cab of the truck - as in on the same seat -with Court. I'd love to be a fly on the vinyl for some of the precious moments these three are undoubtedly sharing. Court already called from the road to tell me the dogs have twice eaten his lunch.


Welcome to MY world buddy. Those two little scamps have been eating my proverbial lunch for five years now.

Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll dump THEM in Hoople, North Dakota.

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