Thursday, April 30, 2009

next stop: sanity


against all odds, our impetuous little jaunt back to Colorado has, by all accounts, worked out flawlessly.

(excuse me while I knock on something)

And though I am now sporting a considerable increase in gray hair, heart palpitations and, well, girth

it will, I believe, all be worth it in the end. And, thankfully, the long coveted end is near: the final milestone was a new job for me, and on Friday, after weeks of daunting pursuit, I was offered a position I really wanted.


The sheer number of crazy, unlikely, inconceivable, fanciful and preposterous things that needed to occur for this risky venture to pan out easily is, to us, staggering.

And yet, it all did.

We interpret this as a resounding GET YE BACK TO COLORADO, straight from the top.

Because really, how else could we:

-purchase a (ahem, third) home - while one of us was unemployed and the other self-employed

-sell a house in a terrible market, in only four weeks

-find new jobs for both of us in a miserable employment climate

-not go nutty while living apart (and, I might add for me, survive the abandonment of being left to contend alone with two recalcitrant dogs and a not-ready-for-the-market house.) Okay, not abandonment really. I agreed to the whole plan, but once Court was gone I was all about screaming DESERTER.

-weather the fiercest climate of MS self-employment to-date and remain, for the most part, employed. From November through March it was wretched. Actually, that's an understatement. It was a ghastly, dreadful nightmare. Hmm. That doesn't quite do it either.

And, somehow, here we are.

The Colorado house closed in February and Court started work there that same month. Our house here closed in April. I leave Seattle in one week and begin my new job on May 18.

And while it truly was a harried few months, all things considered, it really did work out quite well. We are very thankful.

And yet, kind of like a dead body that is still twitching around after the fact, there is a part of me that just wants to grouse on and on about how much THAT SUCKED.

Because it did. My hair is still standing a bit on end. And I haven't quite yet relinquished the sweet comfort found in a Starbucks chocolate donut.

But, thankfully, the roller coaster is chugging toward the finish line. And when it comes to a stop, and life resumes some semblance of normalcy, all I gotta say is,


And, pass me another chocolate donut.

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