Sunday, April 5, 2009

avoiding 124th St

This is the final weekend before I move out of my house.

I know for sure I'm moving because yesterday I received mail addressed to the New Owner. I have mixed feelings about this letter. On the one hand, only a solid buyer would change his address before the house is legally his; on the other, must I be this in touch right now with the fact that my cute house will soon belong to someone else?

This avoidence, I think, is manifesting itself in my neglect of the last 10% push to get packed up and out of the house. This weekend I've done nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. Just nothing involving Pine Sol, packing tape, and heavy lifting.

I intended to hit it hard this weekend, to have everything all sealed up and perfect for when Court and Penske arrive this Thursday. But yesterday, with the best intentions for later-day-productivity, I went for a walk with Auntie P. We planned to walk for an hour but after such a long hiatus from 1:1 time we walked and talked... and talked and walked some more.

This is Auntie P and Uncle D. His name actually starts with a T but I use D because he's a dork which I say with the utmost admiration. I have found a kindred spirit in many a dork which is why this photo really disappoints me. I'm all about goofy photos and completely missed the memo on this one. It's a great shot of them though and if ever it seems I'm at all strange, well here you go. Genetics.

Anyway, after 2.5 hours of walking I was quite sore which didn't bode well for getting anything done this weekend.

Really that's an excuse though. It's been so nice this weekend that I've resisted the whole indoor routine and instead decided to putter around some of my favorite Seattle places. Lincoln Park ranks just about #1 on the list.

Lincoln Park has a bit of everything: woods, trails, beach, ferry boats. It's the sort of park that can be jammed full of people and still you feel secluded.

The C&P Coffee Company, also in West Seattle, is another great place. I inadvertently slighted them the other day when I wrote about independent coffeeshops having crappy coffee. This is not true of C&P. Their coffee rocks. And this little shop has funk that rivals any Seattle coffeehouse. It's an old 1907 Craftsman home that was originally a hunting lodge. The house has tons of old character and none of the modernizing and perfecting that wrecks such homes. This was my view on their back porch.

I love the Dutch door and the shutters off the kitchen. The sign above the door is pretty cool too. It says, "Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day." This is definitely not the sort of thing you're going to learn at Starbucks. But thanks to C&P now you know. Next time you are tempted, don't do it.

So go C&P. Not only do you have stellar coffee and a good vibe but you are also a true friend. I'm glad I spent the weekend with you instead of being productive at my own house.

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