Tuesday, May 26, 2009

finessing the finer points


Gone are the days with endless hours to write, read, and take naps.

On the brighter side, I love my new job. Occasionally I nearly feel like pinching myself to make sure all this goodness is for real. As in - do I truly work for a great company that is doing great things that I can feel really great about? (Pinch.)

So, seems to be real. Week 2 and my keycard still works.

The result of that- the whole inevitable 8-5 gig - is a considerable reduction in hours for all the time wasters I previously enjoyed.

Blogging. Facebooking. Reading. Bible study. Writing. Shopping. Cooking. Cleaning. Exercising.

Ok, not all time wasters.

Generally I'm a night owl and utilize those wee hours to do much of the above; however, I'm finding I'm rather useless these days, with getting up at 5:30, unless I'm in bed by 10pm.

10pm - that's like afternoon in my previous life.

I haven't yet figured out this time management thing but I do know, after years of soundly rejecting it, I'm now fully embracing the idea of hiring someone else to clean my house.

And I just could. not. be. be more excited about this.

I informed Court about my decision yesterday and, predictably, he balked.

However, given that we both went without dinner for three consecutive nights last week, I'm thinking he'll be as enthusiastic as me once he grocks the concept that when SOMEONE ELSE cleans our toilet, he gets dinner.

It will be that simple, because he likes food that much.

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