Monday, May 18, 2009

a new plan

It has been 4 years, 10 months and 18 days since I’ve had a job where anyone cared necessarily about my whereabouts each day.

Today, however, I collided head-on with the Real World and walked through the doors of a company that expects me to deliver my rear end to my designated seat by 8:00am -- five days a week.

I know- MADNESS.

And yet, there is much to like about this company.

They have free popcorn.
They have an exercise room.
They have their


-who serves Starbucks coffee even.

You know I am pleased.

But 8:00am? And stay till 5:00pm?

It's a lot to ask.

I reminded Court tonight that the bible clearly says the MEN are supposed to toil on the earth. Women are meant to be mangled in childbirth and since God appears to have given me a free pass on that I think I’m absolved of BOTH burdens and should simply be able to stay home and blog and take photos all day long.

This comment wasn’t well received and I'm really sort of perplexed about that. It’s not as if I’m petitioning to stay home and eat Bon Bons and watch All My Children. I have a BLOG.

And realistically, how can I blog and work 8-5?

I can’t. Something has to give.

I need a little time but eventually I think he’ll come around to my way of thinking. In fact, if I actually throw the Bon Bons into the mix I’m thinking he’ll probably just stay home with me and that'll just be a win-win for us both.

And then Gemini and Dakota can get jobs and start supporting US. It's about time those two slackers started contributing to the household.


  1. That made me laugh. Good luck with the 8 to 5 thing.

  2. So how was day number 2? Can't wait to hear more about your new adventure in the real world.
