Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Someday soon, I will have time to write again. This is what I keep telling myself.

Until then... the last month in photos. Installment 1: visit to the groomers.

A few weeks back the boys got a haircut. The groomer, on the phone, quoted me $60 for each of them. When I picked them up however she raised an eyebrow at me and sputtered, "Um, your dogs are, um..., well..., um..., they're BAD!"

Uh, tell me something I don't know.

So she did. "I'm gonna have to charge you another$30 for all the extra time it took to groom them."

I laughed, because that's what I do anymore when these goons stick us with yet another bill to pay. And then I promptly blamed Court for the entirety of their behavior maladies.

So, don't be suckered in by these winsome faces. They may look cute but those dreamy eyes are actually feverishly lusting after the piece of chicken I'm holding above their head - my new torture tactic to make me feel better about the extra $30 I'm out.

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