Friday, July 10, 2009

practicing my ya'll

Funny that I have to get away from home these days to spend time here. I left this morning from Denver for a business trip to Lynchburg, Virginia. The most fantastically marvelous thing about this trip is that this area of Virginia is home to seven of my Aunts. My dad, one of 11 children, grew up in this area and I've spent many wonderful visits over the years falling in love with the Blue Ridge Mountains and my family here.

Aside from the itty bitty plane I had to take from North Carolina, I'm over-joyed to be here. I have a fondness for this part of the country that began when I was very young ... it's good to be back.

Later, I'll post a photo of the atrocious rental car I'm stuck with for the next five days.

Off to explore and breathe in the wonderfully languid southern air...

See ya'll later.


  1. Do NOT get your rental car stuck on a rock...I doubt anyone will come to your rescue at 3am! LOL

  2. Oh my, I remember that night vividly. Who knows ... maybe someone would mysteriously appear out of the night again....
