Saturday, July 25, 2009

maintaining status quo

Yesterday I found myself wide-eyed again by the backdrop for my commute - so darn sightly to be the avenue to and fro the daily drudge.

I had the luxury of turning a 30-minute commute into 90 because C was out with friends (a.k.a. five episodes of Wipeout and pizza). This is the first Wipeout extravaganza from which I've managed to extricate myself - and I have no shortage of thankfulness for that. I've admittedly chuckled once or twice (probably once) when I've been coerced into watching but truly the repetitive enjoyment a certain someone gets from that show is baffling to me.

The other night he asked if I would see Transformers II with him and oh-so-begrudgingly I said yes. I considered sneaking in a flashlight and crossword, or sleeping pills, but I recently made him sit through My Sister's Keeper (a movie I equally loathed- and was chosen by guests) so I owed him one.


Incidentally, I'm not sure which movie was worse.

I'm a bit concerned I've started a disastrous trend here - one where we're all maritally sacrificial and go to movies of one anothers choice.

This would be a bleak development. In five years of marriage I've masterfully dodged the torments of ghastly wonders like Bulletproof Monk, Hellboy, and Ghost Rider. He is equally thankful to have escaped the wonder, WONDER I tell you, of masterpieces like Mrs. Brown, Waitress, Once, or Pride and Prejudice.

There's no telling what a compromise like this would do to our marriage. It could end in total, um


(photos from the daily jaunt; they get monstrously big if you click on 'em)


  1. He should have seen Once...fantastic movie...and the music gives me goosebumps every time.
