Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 63: Macro

So it turns out if you arrive in Cuzco and feel lightheaded from the high altitude you simply knock back a little liquid cocaine. Ok not really. But you do drink Coco Tea which is made from Coco leaves, the raw ingredient for cocaine.

I didn't feel lightheaded but who can pass up an opportunity to drink legal cocaine tea? Not me.

So I did. Drink the tea that is. And as far as I can tell drinking that tea today is about as close as I'll ever get to doing crack. Which is closer than I ever thought I'd get. Life is full of surprises.

Like, for example, when 30 minutes later we arrived at a restaurant with more funk than stinky feet and right there on the menu, like a beacon of Peruvian hippie light, was Magic Mushroom soup. A clear direct message from the Andean Sun God to my non-druggie little head that TODAY IS THE DAY TO MAKE UP FOR ALL THAT CLEAN LIVING.

Who can argue with that? Again, not me. (There's a theme here in case you haven't noticed.)

So I ordered it. But right after I went directly to a Catholic cathedral so all-in-all I think the day was a wash.

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